Inland Power & Light is a nonprofit, consumer-owned electric cooperative. Founded in 1937, Inland Power is Washington's largest electric cooperative and currently serves more than 34,000 members across 13 counties in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
Inland Power is organized into seven districts. Each district is represented by an Inland Power member elected by the members to serve on Inland Power's Board of Trustees for a term of three years.
Since we are a nonprofit cooperative owned by our members, any margins above operating costs belong to our members. Those net margins are annually allocated to the members as capital credits and returned to the members at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Inland Power and Light provides electric service to 13 counties in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Call (509) 747-7151 today and find out if your home or business is in our service area. Other utilities provide service within portions of the service map.

Our mission is our members
April 27 - The day the lights come on. 160 farms northeast of Spokane were the first to receive power.
Inland has 3,040 meters and 1,549 miles of line.

Inland Power purchases the electrical system in Airway Heights.
New building on 2nd Ave. Name was Inland Empire Rural Electrification.

Inland Power is organized and founded in St. John, WA. Founders were Hopkins, Thams & Burgess.
Southern Spokane County and northern Whitman County aded to service territory.
Grand Coulee began serving Inland Power. BPA becomes sole electric provider.

The membership sets up the capital credit system allocating net margins back to the membership.
Pend Oreille Electric Co-op consolidates with Inland Power and we add portions of Pend Oreille, Stevens and northern Spokane Counties, as well as Bonner & Kootenai Counties in Idaho.
Energy crisis occurs.
U.S. bi-centennial, Inland has 12,000 members and 86 employees.
Inland had margins of $432,656 and it marked the first year members received capital credits.
Mt. St. Helens blows and wreaks havoc on electrical system.
When investor-owned utilities bypassed the nation’s rural areas because of sparse population, citizens eventually took matters into their own hands. Inland Power was organized in 1937 by some of these spirited forerunners who were dedicated to getting farm folks “to see the light.” On April 27, 1938, 160 farms northeast of Spokane were the first Inland members to receive power from the cooperative.
Shortly thereafter, a second section was energized in southern Spokane County and northern Whitman County, followed by a third section in other parts of Whitman County. In 1939 Garfield County was added to the area served along with the Pullman area. By the end of 1941, 3,040 meters served over 1,549 miles of line.
Shortages of materials and labor during World War II brought a slowdown of Inland Power’s rapid expansion. This slowdown allowed the board and management to consider ways to improve the existing system. In 1946, Inland Power purchased the electric system serving Airway Heights.
At the 1949 annual meeting in Rosalia, the membership adopted a by-law, which set up a capital credit system allocating net margins back to the membership.
In 1951, Inland Power purchased property in the 300 block of East Second Avenue in Spokane and built a new office, meter shop, warehouse and garage. In 1955, Pend Oreille Electric Cooperative consolidated with Inland Power, adding service territory in Pend Oreille, Stevens and northern Spokane Counties as well as Bonner and Kootenai Counties in Idaho. By 1965 Inland Power served more than 9,000 members with over 4,000 miles of line.
During the 1970s, Inland Power experienced record levels of growth. In 1974, the cooperative had margins of $432,656 and as a result, 1975 was the first year Inland paid capital credits to its members.
By 1985 Inland Power more than doubled its membership in 20 years to 21,700 members with over 5,336 miles of line. In the early 1990s, Lincoln Electric Cooperative merged with Inland Power.
Today, Inland Power is the largest electric cooperative in the state and continues to grow with approximately 40,000 members.

Lincoln Electric merges with Inland power bringing membership to 21,700 and 5,336 miles of line.
Ice storm made the history books.

New building constructed. Field crews and office together again after 60 years.
Inland Power has 39,989 members and 7,582 miles of line. We celebrate 75 years and our mission is the same today as it was in 1937. "Electricity at Cost"
The members of Inland Power vote to approve new bylaws that allow for members to vote by ballot, electronic or in person for our board of trustees annually.
New long-term BPA power contract goes into effect.
The November windstorm was the worst natural disaster in Inland’s 79-year history. Near hurricane-force winds knocked power out to 33,000 members, or 83% of our membership. With the help of others the bulk of our membership was restored within three days.

Inland Power members vote to approve bylaw amendments that reduces the number of board of trustees from nine to seven.