Unlike investor-owned utilities that generate profits on behalf of shareholders, nonprofit electric cooperatives return any profits earned to their members in the form of capital credits. Each year the board evaluates the financial condition of your cooperative to determine whether a refund is warranted.
These funds provided by our members are an important source of financing. They help pay for equipment and system maintenance and upgrades to provide you with safe, reliable and quality service you expect. By using these funds, we can avoid borrowing from other lenders.
Over the past 12 years, Inland has returned $16 million in capital credits to our members while maintaining some of the lowest rates in the country, as well as high service levels. Being a good financial steward of our members’ money is a top priority for the cooperative.
Click the video below to learn how our CA$H BACK program works!!
Click the image below to complete your CA$H BACK opt-out form,
please mail to the listed address below or email us at inlandpower@inlandpower.com by Sept. 20, 2024.

Starting in 2017, Inland Power introduced a new discounted early capital credits (now called CA$H BACK) retirement program. Each year, in August, Inland Power will send members a statement for capital credits members contributed during the year. Members who had active accounts in that calendar year will now have the option to receive their CA$H BACK allocations early.
What are the next steps?
Click here to view the list of CA$H BACK checks that have been returned. If you see your name listed, please contact us by calling 800-747-7151 or email us at capitalcredits@inlandpower.com.